At Sacred Heart School, students, parents, faculty, and staff love their school and make up a vibrant community. The school is an integral part of Sacred Heart Parish and is inbedded in all aspects of parish life, including weekend worship, music, community outreach, the welcoming of new parishioners, and a multitude of fun and engaging community-building events.
School Advisory Committee
The School Advisory Committee is made up of parent leaders who take on leadership roles in the area of strategic planning, institutional resilience, communication, and community building activities. The team of parents, along with our Principal and Pastor, meet monthly throughout the school year and discuss issues to do with ensuring that the school is meeting its mission to serve. Members serve for a three-year term.
Room Parent Program
Room parents are parent leaders who are willing and able to help teachers with class activities including parties, field trips and classroom assistance as requested by the teacher. Room parents also serve to help integrate new families into the school and act as a great resource for them.
Community Events
We have a number of great family-oriented activities throughout the school year that engage parents more deeply into our school and parish life. These activities include Back to School Movie Night, Annual Family “Rock N Roll” Dance in the fall, and the Christmas Concert. The biggest activity of all is the Parish Carnival in October that draws hundreds of people from the surrounding community over two and a half days of amazing rides, booths, food, and performances. The parish also hosts an Auction, “Beer, Brats, and Bingo” in the summer, and the F.I.R.E. Speaker series after Sunday mass during the year.

Annual Christmas Concert

Grandparent and VIP Day

Annual Family Dance

Annual Parish Carnival

Pajama Spirit Day

Family Movie Night

Mr Mustang School Mascot

Annual Golf Tournament

School 60th Anniversary