Middle School: Where Learning Matures into a Lifelong joy
The trek down the hallway to the Middle School classrooms is an exciting rite of passage for all rising 6th Graders. That journey is symbolic of their maturity as learners and the added expectations for them as partners in the learning process. The 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade teachers collaborate to ensure that each child is challenged to their fullest potential, and succeeds academically, socially , emotionally, physically and spiritually. By the end of 8th Grade, Sacred Heart students fully embody our S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Learning Expectations and use the skills they have achieved to succeed in the high school of their choice, and make the world a better place.

Studies of successful education programs are very clear: The factor that has the single greatest effect on student achievement is the quality and effectiveness of teachers. At Sacred Heart, students engage with an exceptional and collaborative team of teachers that includes specialty teachers in Math, Science, Spanish, Music, Physical Education, and Art. Five of our Middle School teachers hold Master’s degrees in the subject areas they teach. All teachers engage in regular professional development offered by our school or through our system of schools.
The faculty has designed a unique and supportive “Partial Block” schedule of classes that helps students learn to navigate type of schedules they will experience once in high school. “Partial Block” allows for a departmentalized approach, extended time in one subject, and regular split classes of no more than 18 students for Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. The smaller groups allow for a individualized instruction, inquiry-based learning experiences, and ample opportunity for students to dig deeper in their subject matter.

Learning Assistance Program:
Our Learning Assistance and Resource program extends from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Our Resource Teacher works closely with teachers and parents to ensure that each student’s learning needs are addressed to support high achievement and overall educational success.
Our “Mustangs” athletes are spirited and eager to demonstrate their school pride through sports. Student Athletes from 5th Grade through 8th Grade engage in an atmosphere that is “no-cut,” inclusive, and focused on developing a sense of sportsmanship, fair play, a lifelong devotion to an active lifestyle, and just plain fun. Girls and boys have opportunities to join and participate on our Flag-Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball and Track Teams.

After School Enrichment and Extended Care:
Our comprehensive after school enrichment program includes many opportunities for students to engage in their personal interests in a supervised setting after school. The most popular program is Robotics, but there are many other opportunities as well.
Our Extended Care program supports the needs of busy families and is open to all students from the time school ends until 6 PM, every day school is in session throughout the year. Our Extended Care Center is welcoming, fun, and a place where all students feel like home.
Community of Learning:
Sacred Heart School is a community of learning where students can feel a sense of discovery in learning and reach their full academic potential. Our goal is for students to love learning and see themselves as life-long learners by:
- instilling intellectual curiosity, inquiry, and creativity
- inspiring self-motivation and self-confidence
- leading students to think critically and independently
- presenting students with opportunities to apply skills to daily living
- developing team and collaborative skills
- taking on the challenges of leadership

Service Oriented Students:
Sacred Heart School is a community marked by service where students are committed to showing compassion and generosity towards others. Students develop a sense of empathy, social justice and an understanding of God’s call to service by:
- working toward a common goal
- becoming informed active citizens
- including and accepting all others
- engaging in leadership activities
- identifying service needs in our local and wider community
Students of Faith:
Sacred Heart is a community of faith in Jesus that develops a commitment the Catholic faith by:
- following the example of Jesus
- demonstrating Christian values and behavior
- understanding the stories of faith through knowledge of the Bible and Gospel messages
- becoming active members in the church community