Junior Kindergarten: A Sacred Heart Tradition
A commitment to Early Childhood Education has a long and strong tradition at Sacred Heart. Offering one of the very first programs of its type in the Diocese, Sacred Heart’s Junior Kindergarten program offers the unique benefit of being a fully licensed program that is designed to transition seamlessly into the Kindergarten program. Unlike all Transitional Kindergarten (TK) programs, our Santa Clara County license ensures that highly qualified and certified Early Childhood Education experts design the learning experiences and teach at all times, and that a superb teacher to student ratio is always maintained.
We believe that children learn best in a balanced program that emphasizes social-emotional growth, free-choice opportunities, and the development of budding academic skills. Junior Kindergarten eases the transition between Preschool and Kindergarten. Our fully-equipped Junior Kindergarten classroom facility is a beautiful, bright, and engaging space that emphasizes our balanced philosophy, with ample and safe indoor and outdoor play areas.
Our licensed Junior Kindergarten program runs five days a week with the option of choosing either Half Day (8AM – 11:30 AM), or Full Day (8 AM – 2:45 PM).

Our developmental curriculum focuses on developing curiosity, creativity, and imagination that fosters a sense of excitement and joy towards learning among all students. The academic focus of the program is centered on Language Arts skills, Math, hands-on Science, social skills, and Religion. Students also enjoy instruction from specialty teachers in Science, Music, Spanish and Physical Education.
Our Catholic faith curriculum is centered on the values of respect, inclusion, forgiveness, and cooperation. Our Catholic value of serving others is instilled throughout the grades from Junior Kindergarten on up to 8th grade, and students engage in service opportunities and attend monthly Mass.
Our academic program is designed by our professional educational staff trained in Early Child Education specific for the needs and requirements of this age group. Our highly experienced Director leads an early Childhood Education specialist teacher, an instructional aide, and academic specialty teachers. We offer an excellent teacher-to-student ratio of 1 teacher to 8 students, or fewer. All our teachers are committed to ensuring that each child is actively learning throughout the day. The Director and teachers focus on building a strong and communicative home and school partnership with our families.

We take pride in our campus facilities and technology. Our modern and brightly lit Junior Kindergarten classroom is fully equipped with a kitchen, child bathrooms, interactive touch-display monitor, and dedicated large play area with new and developmentally-appropriate play structure.
Our school campus is situated in over 11 acres of land and has two science labs, a fully-equipped gymnasium, an art studio, science garden, library, two math specialty classrooms, a gorgeous grassy field, and a large blacktop play and lunch area.
Junior Kindergarten is considered our first and primary point into our excellent grade school program that runs up through 8th grade.