Catholic Identity – We are centered in Jesus
A Welcoming Spirit for All
We welcome students and families of all faiths and backgrounds who seek a whole-child education. A whole-child education addresses the academic, social, emotional, and physical development of each child, while also recognizing that he/she is on a spiritual journey that needs to be nurtured and fostered. Jesus is the perfect and ultimate teacher. We learn about his life, pray for his help, and strive to model our faith in him by imitating his example and continually preaching our faith through our words and deeds.
The Charism of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sacred Heart School was founded in 1957 by the leaders of our parish and the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. The Sisters of Notre Dame have a long history in our valley having started one of the very first schools in California, Notre Dame High School for Girls in San Jose, and other Catholic elementary schools. The symbol of their founder, Saint Julie Billiart, is the sunflower because as she said, “To be simple is to be like a sunflower which follows all the movements of the sun and ever turns toward it.” Like the sunflower, we turn to the light, which is Jesus. We also strive to be the light for others through our actions and words. Although the sisters no longer serve our school, their philosophy and charism live on at Sacred Heart. Our students reflect the core values that are at the heart of our United In One Heart motto.

Christmas Concert

Christmas Giving Tree

May Day
Sacramental Program
Sacred Heart School is a mission of Sacred Heart Parish. As such, we are full participants in the full life of the parish, including the sacramental program.
Baptism – Families and children who wish to become Catholic, are invited to participate in the RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults) program. RCIA is a process through which adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith can become initiated into the Church. School-aged children may also enter into the faith with their parents.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – The preparation process for First Holy Communion, normally in 2nd grade, includes preparation for this sacrament.
First Holy Communion – All 2nd graders participate in a year-long preparation program for this sacrament which is conferred in the spring for those who are Catholic.
Confirmation – At Sacred Heart, Confirmation is a multi-year discernment process. For information about how Sacred Heart can assist your child on their faith journey, please contact our parish office and Youth Ministry program.
Liturgical Experiences
Students experience a wide range of Liturgical Experiences through the school year. Students are also encouraged to be directly involved in these activities as they build up a strong sense of faith life. Liturgies include weekly mass on Thursdays, Blessing of the Animals in October, Reconciliation prayer services in Advent and Lent, Stations of the Cross, Easter Experience, Holy days of Obligation, and May Crowning in early May.

Altar Servers and Altar Society

Animal Blessing Celebration

Student Retreat